Shine noortefestival tagasivaates

Shine noortefestival tagasivaates

SHINE noortekonverentsist võttis aktiivselt osa umbes 300 noort. Vabaduse väljaku noorteõhtutel, SHINE noortefestivalil ja Pirita rannapeol liitusid Shine noortega ka paljud kohalikud Eesti noored. Linnaktsioonidel aitasid ka kohalikud koguduste noored kaasa. 

Erinevad kõnelejad, eri linnaosades teenimine ja evangeeliumi jagamine, lastekeskuse TÄHETORN jaoks raha kogumine, SHINE noortefestival, Kristuspäev ja rannapidu – neil kõigil on eriline koht SHINE noortekonverentsil osalenute südames. Jumal töötas noortes ning iga noor sai praktiliselt särada välja Jumala armastust. Lihtsalt vägev aeg! Tänu Jumalale!

Reedesel noortefestivalil ja Kristuspäeva messil käigus kogusid SHINE noored loominguliselt lähenedes kohalikule kristlikule lastekeskusele TÄHETORN ( heategevuseks 238€

Ühe tüdruku kogemus Shine’lt

It was really great in the Shine-program. Despite many different nations, we had lots of fun, or perhaps because of it?

My highlight in Tallinn was on friday (Youth Festival). We had the job to collect money for a children’s center. Some friends and I had the idea to go on the streets and sing some Worship Songs. We met Kätlin Tammiste and she showed us a good place. At this place we met some guys. One of them sat on a Cajon. Later we found out that it was Steve from Level 3:16 🙂 They ate lunch there. We came to talk and they said that we should begin to sing. So we did it. Steve began to accompany us on the Cajon. It was amazing! A bit later he asked us whether he should rap to the melody from “Blessed be your name”. That was so awesome!! There were a lot of people who have listened to us. At the end, we prayed together with Steve. It was no accident. God needed us in Tallinn.
During this, I felt God.. I felt that he was with us and that was so great!!!!
Thank you God!!

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